Recurring House Cleaning Services Chicago

Recurring Cleaning Service

Do you need your Chicago area home cleaned? Are you looking for a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly professional Chicago cleaning service to keep your home as tidy as possible? You can get access to routinely scheduled house cleaning that performs all necessary cleaning duties for your home.

The Recurring Cleaning Service Chicago offers recurring house cleaning on a weekly, biweekly, and monthly (every four weeks) basis. Most clients find that the biweekly maid service is enough to eliminate most of their housekeeping chores aside from normal day-to-day cleaning.

Recurring Cleaning | E&K Cleaning Service Chicago, Suburbs, House Cleaning Illinois

Excellent performance and strong customer service are at the heart of what professionals on our platform are about. If you’re interested in getting this level of dedication to your cleaning needs, kindly book your regularly scheduled professional cleaning below.

The best part of starting our recurring maid service is the time it frees up so you can spend your precious time doing things that bring you joy. Are you ready to take back your weekends? We're here to make your life easier! All of our new Recurring customers must start with a Deep Cleaning, this ensures we get your home to our cleaning standards.